Using Nature To Heal Your Body

Using Nature To Heal Your Body

Everywhere we look, we are surrounded by numerous chemically laced products for our hair, for our skin and even for us to eat that are absolutely terrible for our bodies and yet, we are faced every day with hundreds of advertisements telling us how good they are for our bodies and also telling us we need to purchase and use these products to look pretty. The media usually dictates what pretty means, usually telling us that if we are blessed with curly or wavy hair, we need to use certain products to make our hair straight in order to look pretty and if we have darker skin, we are told to make use of certain products to make our skin lighter and fairer. On the other hand, if we are blessed with fairer, lighter coloured skin, the media will tell us to tan up and will shame us for having imperfect skin and acne even though these things are fairly common and in many cases, easily curable without all these chemically laced products the media is throwing at us.

Make your own products

A simple fact that the media does not tell you is that is it fairly easy for you to make your own skin products from natural ingredients. These products that you make yourself will be without all the chemicals and preservatives meaning that they will nurture your skin. You can easily make hand cream with olive oil by following a few simple steps and this hand cream will soften the skin on your hands and make them softer.

Most of the products that these big corporations market to you will only work temporarily and will cause the problem that you have to get worse with time or will give rise to brand new problems because if the products were to heal you completely, how would these companies make money? You can make natural olive oil soap at home or you could even go out and buy a natural product from an herbal or ayurvedic shop which will chemical free.

You can even use natural products in place of toners and scrubs for your skin. One example is, you can use simple sugar or salt to scrub your skin instead of the store bought scrubs which contain tiny plastic beads that can easily get stuck inside your pores causing acne and many other inflammations. It would indeed do you good to research these natural skin care solutions online and you will find that you can use many natural fruits and oils to nurture your skin and body.